Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trying To Be Free And Going For It

Hello everyone,

Today I am just freely going to blog about the simple, yet not so simple at times, concept of going for trying to be free.  To be free can mean a lot of different things to many people.  Most people want to definitely be free of debt.  Some people want to be free of having to be slaves to a routine, day in day out job.  Others take it even further by wanting to live a life of total financial freedom with the ability to do whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want.  To some it may mean being free of health problems or free of bad relationships.  There are also people who want to be free of things like worry, fear, and doubt.  A lot of  people who worry, fear and doubt do so because they are in a financial crisis, or a bad relationship or a health issue and being financially free, a good relationship or being healthy would solve their problems.  Then there are those who have other personal issues that cause those negative feelings and problems that have nothing to do with finances or health.  But whatever the case, being free in whatever sense of the word is something that I feel is sought after by most of mankind.  We all want to feel free and live a nice safe life of happiness and joy.  The big question is how to attain this freedom we are searching for.  How do we truly get to the point of saying we are truly free and how do we go about getting there?

I think feeling truly free comes from much more than just financial freedom or personal freedom. To me, it includes more.  To attain true freedom, I think we must work to attain freedom in mind, body, and spirit. That means the emotional and intellectual part of us, the physical part of us as well as the effects on us from the world around us, and that part that transcends to a higher level of self awareness and consciousness. Being able to receive, react, and respond appropriately to situations, circumstances or people in a manner that will promote the best possible outcome has to also be taken into account.  However, we must be careful not to stress to much over the external because there is only so much one can do when it comes to external variables. Stressing over things that one has little or no control of causes another problem to break free of in and of itself.  The bottom line is that total freedom is a multifaceted thing.

There are lots of ways to conquer the things that enslave us or keep us from total freedom.  There are many people out there to help, plenty of literature to read, and multiple websites with information.  The solution is out there just waiting to be found.  The misconception many people may have that causes them to be pessimistic and give up is that the solution is not always easy breezy.  There are no quick fixes, overnight miracles, magic beans type of solutions.  As with most things, it is going to take at least a little determination, at least a little perseverance along with some work and faith to accomplish the goal. Just remember the mottos or cliches if you will, "If it's worth having, it's worth going after", "The more you want something, the more you should go after it" and "If you can conceive it you can achieve it."

Ok, let's say the answer is out there and you are determined, ready to hang in there and give it a good shot. You have good intentions to work hard and you have a certain level faith, but you can't muster up the strength to get started.  Even with all the mottos and the desire to do it, you can't seem to start; heck, you don't even know where to start. So, what do you do then?  Well, you make the inability to get started your first problem second to the problem of becoming free. Your first goal should be to just get started.  You first have to conquer your stagnation before you can move on to conquer anything else.  The best way to do this is in little tasks that can be accomplished.  You can start by setting small goals and a deadline to complete each goal.  The small goals should lead up to your ultimate goal. No matter how insignificant the goals may seem, the key is to write them down in small obtainable, simple statements with a corresponding goal completion time and or date.  Then reward yourself with something each time you accomplish a goal. The rewards do not, nor need to be anything extravagant because the ultimate reward will be the accomplishment of the major and final goal.  Some examples of small goals are: (1) Read one chapter by 3:00 pm today, (2) Talk to one person about (.....) by this Friday evening, (3) Sign up for one class by Wednesday of next week. As you move through your list by accomplishing each little small goal, you will be closer to accomplishing your major goal before you know it.  It's always easier to swallow one small pill than to swallow a mouth full of big horse pills. Oh, here's another one for you.  Even the brain, as complex as it is, can process small chunks of information that is spread out better than it can huge chunks of information all at one time.  Just as we all one day in our past had to learn that big multiplication table one set at a time, so must we tackle some of life's big obstacles one small piece at a time. I don't know about you, but I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I was able to say all my 1's, then 2's, then 3's and so on until one day I knew the whole multiplication table.  Just think of how great you will feel when you have accomplished all of your little goals and then are one day able to say you accomplished your final and big overall goal!

Now, if you are an all or nothing kind of person, the best way for you to get moving may be to actively ignore any fears and doubts by pushing through them.  Then just dive in and get started.  The one thing to remember and tell yourself is that if you do nothing you can be assured that nothing will change.  With that all or nothing attitude, you can give it your all and possible get something wonderful or you can do nothing and definitely be stuck in the same situation with no changes to your situation.  Who would turn down a possible yes for a definite no?  Sometimes the fear of failing or making a mistake can keep you from diving in. However, you still have to tell yourself, "If I do not try, I will not ever succeed."  Also you must look at mistakes and failures as learning experience to only make you better. Ways to get you to your goal. Think of it as a practice makes perfect scenario. Remember when you first learned to ride a bike.  If you were like most of us, you fell off, skinned a knee or two, made mistakes and failed at your first try riding down the street.  But with determination, perseverance, some work, and faith that you could do it, you learned how to ride.  The alternative would have been to not try and perhaps never have learned to ride a bike.  Which now does not seem like a big deal, but to a kid, being able to ride a bike like the rest of the kids was awesome. Not being able to ride could have been shameful and embarrassing.  Not diving in and going after your goal could one day be a shameful or even embarrassing memory you will have to live with.  It will leave the unanswered question of what if I had only give it a try.  But on the other hand, think of how exhilarating it will be to reflect on the accomplishment of your goal instead of regret.  To be able to say, "Yes, I just jumped right in and did it!"

So, to sum up the blog for today.  Being free from whatever your heart is set on can be attainable.  The key is to define what freedom means to you.  Read and research the resources out there to find out ways to get to that freedom.  Then set small realistic goals to get to your ultimate freedom goal.  Be determined, persevere, and have faith.  Then, see where it takes you.  Remember, you can't go any where if you don't move; nothing will change if you do nothing; if you want it, go get it; and don't worry about failure because practice makes perfect.

My next blog will be a series.  In each blog I will go more into attaining freedom in the various areas mentioned above.  I will talk more about freedom of the mind, body and on a spiritual level. I will also go into dealing with internal and external variables.  Until then, take care and be free.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Power of Gratefulness and Giving

Well, this moment brings about the close of yet another day. I am so grateful to God for blessing me with this day. I pray his blessings on all those who may be less fortunate than I, those who are more fortunate than I, those who are lost, overwhelmed, or in some sort of need whether it is a financial need, an emotional need, a spiritual need, or a physical need.

Being grateful is a powerful way to begin and end each day. Gratitude can do so much for the mind, spirit and soul. Taking time to be grateful for as many things as possible can bring about the realization of how blessed one really is.. Being blessed goes beyond mere monetary things. It encompasses all the things big or small that can be taken for granted. Once one really thinks about the various things that may or may not be taken for granted, one would be surprised at all the blessings. I can personally think of several situations that I thought at the time were really bad or overwhelming. But looking back, each situation could have actually been worse. Even the worst could have turned into something even more worse. Therefore I have learned to be grateful for things not being even worse. Truthfully, most situations that seem bad could almost always have been worse. Thus the phrase, be grateful things are as good as they are for they could be worse.

As we recognize, list, thank God for our blessings and truly express our gratitude, we should also extend a prayer to God for others. There are those who have no one to pray for them or with them. There are people who know little or nothing about God and praying but need help and hope. Realizing that it is not ever all about any one individual and considering the thoughts, feelings, and problems or burdens of others before ourself makes us more like Jesus. In my opinion, it is an unselfish, mature and emotionally intelligent way to live. I'm not saying neglect self, but have true empathy and compassion for others. Not only pray for others, but also give to and help others when needed.

Sometimes one of the biggest things we can be grateful for and thank God for each day is the ability to give to others, help others and pray for others. Giving can also be a powerful thing. Remember that giving, helping or bringing joy to someone does not always have to be monetary. It can include something as simple as a smile, spending time, giving complements, engaging in conversation, or just listening without being judgmental or dominating the conversation so that person can openly and freely vent. Small things or things that are often taken for granted can not only be blessings for us but also for others. So, when we start the day and end the day with being grateful, giving thanks, offering true empathetic and compassionate prayers for others, ready to give and help others, we can begin to truly see our blessings. We can begin to feel joy and happiness and stop searching for happiness and joy in external things.

Just a thought, maybe true joy and happiness comes from bringing joy and happiness to others.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Everyday Blessings To Discover

Each day is an opportunity to discover blessings.  It is also an opportunity for God to work and move on your behalf.  Each obstacle should be seen as an opportunity to become stronger, an opportunity to grow, and an opportunity to learn something new.  It can also be used as an opportunity to grow a closer relationship with God.  Not saying that the only time to have a relationship with God is when you are in trouble, but during those times of trouble lean on Him more and really exercise your faith by trusting in Him.

I have learned that through times of trouble when there seemed to be nothing I could do, that is when my faith really kicked in.  I made the choice to really trust Him, acknowledge my weaknesses and lack of control in the situation. I surrendered totally to Him and asked that He take care of it and that His will be done.  Only then did I truly feel a sense of relief and peace.  However, since I am human, I'm not saying that thoughts of the problem did not cross my mind.  I am saying that with my faith and my surrendering to Him, I was able to refocus my thoughts of worrying about the problem to thoughts of "God has got this."  It was then that I was able to discover the blessings of the day.  I could freely focus on my blessings, the positives of the day no matter how small.  Who wouldn't agree that focusing on positive and happy things will much more likely produce positive and happy feelings versus thoughts of problems, how bad they are, and worrying. When has worrying ever solved, fixed or eliminated a problem?  To my knowledge, never.

If one really looks for the blessings of each day, there should be something to discover.  It may be a huge blessing that has been taken for granted or a very small blessing that has gone unnoticed.  Whatever the blessing discovered, take note, be grateful and strive to enjoy the day, for the day is only 24 hours and then it is gone.  Through various situations on various days in my life, I have learned to look for, and search if necessary, for my daily blessings and be grateful for them.  I have learned to always be grateful and be content in any situation because of the great God who strengthens me.  I have the knowledge and faith that all things are possible and everything will be alright.  One of the scriptures I like to live by is from Phillipians 4:12-13. This scripture is about knowing the secret to being content in any situation and why.

It might be more advantageous than you know to spend a little time each day discovering blessings. In doing so, it just might make your day brighter and your problems seem a little bit smaller. You may also gain something in the process or even discover the solution to a problem. Therefore, don't take for granted what can be gained from discovering your everyday blessings.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Finding Joy By Being Thankful

It has been a while since I have had a chance, or taken the time to actually blog anything.  I have been involved with other projects and time just seems to fly by.  However, today it hit me that I needed to do something on here. One of the main reasons was that when I thought of this particular blog of living life with joy, I immediately thought of the fact that I have so very much to be thankful for.

Being able to live life with joy, in my opinion, is made possible mainly by being able to recognize acknowledge and give thanks for the things that I am thankful for.  This is something God wants us to do.  Today I am thankful for just being able to breathe on my on. As simple as it sounds, you and I both know that there is someone out there right now that can not breathe on their on and their breathing is being done by a machine. The fact that if that machine was removed, that person will die really drives home the point that I am blessed. I am also thankful for other things like I can see, talk, walk, run, exercise, hear, and eat.  I may not have all the things that I want, but I have the all the basic things that I need for this moment.  Any needs that I still have, I am confident that they will be granted as well.  Why?  Because I am confident that God exists, He is in control, He has a plan and will take care of me if only I believe in Him and his son Jesus Christ who died for my sins.

Many may ask, "how do you know God exists?"  Well my answer would be that I believe even though I have not seen him because I have faith.  Faith is what he asks that we have in order for Him to work in our lives.  It is believing without seeing. I guess you can say that faith is on a bigger level but similar to trusting and having faith in the pilot flying a plan.  While we are flying, we can not see the pilot flying the plan behind the cockpit doors, but we know that he is there and we trust that he will get us to where we are going safely.  We don't know anything about his credentials, his education, qualifications, what kind of grades he made, if he passed at the head of the class or just barely made it.  It is a kind of blind trust and faith without knowing.  Well, I look at God as my pilot. I not only trust that he will get me to my destination safely, but that he will keep me safe along the way and that he knows exactly where I should be going.  Just as we have experienced flying safely on a plan and have seen other people fly on a plan and make it safely to their destination.  I have experienced making it safely through various situations, I have seen other people make it through a lot of situations, and I have read many things in the bible about people who have been helped, protected and blessed by God. Therefore, I have faith in God as much as, well even more than I have faith in the pilot that I can not see flying a plane.

So today, I am living life with joy by remembering, acknowledging and giving thanks for the things that I have and can do. Now, here is something that I felt would be a good addition to this blog, ending with a relevant bible scripture or two.  So here are the scriptures for today:
*Hebrews 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
*Phillipians 4:6 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

Have a blessed and joy filled day.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life Is A Journey

Life has its way of making us experience a variety of emotions. It is up to us to choose how we respond to life's many challenges. It is the challenges that build character, strength, and wisdom. It is how we grow and hopefully gain insight. We must continually have faith in God and be thankful for each new day and each new opportunity to do better than the day before. All will be well if we believe and continue to grow and learn how to do things better and in a better way without giving up. Happiness and joy are possible things to have and faith along with God is the key. It has been said that life is 1 percent what happens and 99 percent how we respond to what happens. We have the choice and must strive each day to make the right and best choice that will ultimately lead to happiness and joy.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Butterflies are Free

Oh, to live life like a butterfly. To live each day free, enjoying all of God's wonderful creations in nature. The wind, the rain, the sun, the clouds, the flowers. To see and smell the beauty of each day. Perhaps we can not fly around like a butterfly, but we can live each day enjoying all that God has to offer and all that God has given. We can enjoy the wind, the rain, the sun the clouds, the flowers just as the butterfly if we just do it. In doing that, living in the moment of all of God's wonders, we can be free in our spirit. Our mind can be at peace and feel free if only for that moment. A moment very well spent. Refocusing the mind, body, and spirit to the wonders around me and living in the moment despite what life has going on, seems to refresh and renew my spirit. It leaves me feeling so much more relaxed. I feel able to face whatever is next with a renewed strength. I also have a stronger feeling of confidence that God has my back and will provide as well as make everything and anything well, no, better than just well - extraordinarily great! Butterflies are free and so is my spirit.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How To Find Joy In Each Day

Have you every had a bad day where things just didn't seem to go right or flow smoothly? Have you ever had a day where you felt "what's the point"? Have you ever had a day that you felt like just giving up because people, things, or places seemed "just messed up or crazy and out of control"? Was there ever a day where there seemed to be no joy anywhere in your heart, soul or spirit. If so, you have been where many people often find themselves at some point in life. Well, don't fret, because joy can be yours everyday. How do I know? I know because I have been able to define joy and find it each and every day. I admit that there are some days that finding joy seems to take a bit more of a conscious effort than others. However, it can be done. There are a few simple steps to doing this. The first step is realizing that joy can be found and truly believe it can be found. Recognize that there is a God, a supreme being, a powerful source that wants joy to be obtained and is waiting for you to claim it and accept it. The second and most important step is to actively find it. The daunting question is "how". To be able to find it you must know what you are looking for. How you defined joy for yourself will determine the ease or complexity of finding it. For me, I found that starting with the smallest and simplest things that could bring joy were the easiest and fastest way to reach my goal of obtaining joy. Each day is a new day. All things of yesterday, a month ago or a year ago or longer are all gone and over. Based upon all I have read, heard, and been taught, all recommend the practice of living in the present, the actual moment. Another thing I gathered and found helpful was to identify the things I am grateful for. Things as simple as being able to do things for myself like bathe, eat, and walk. Things I can do like see, talk, and smell. Things I have whether good, great or not as good like a place to sleep and call home. Knowing that there is the opportunity for things to always get better with each new day, a new chance to start over in some way, either big or small. After that, I focus on only those positive things and thus create my joy for that day. We have all heard "you are what you eat". Well, also embrace this familiar saying "as a man thinketh, so is he". Meaning, "you are what you think". If we always think negative we will become engulfed with negative energy and thus always be plagued with negative thoughts, feelings,and situations which almost always leads to negative and sometimes self destructive actions. I strongly believe in the power and validity of the cognitive triangle - thinking, feeling, and behaviors. Meaning that I believe that all 3 are connected.  By changing ones's thoughts, one can change their feelings and thus change their behaviors or actions, which in my opinion can change the outcome of a situation as well. Meditation, a simple list of things you are grateful for and prayer are very helpful tools to use to reach the goal of finding your joy. Therefore, if each day you meditate, pray and focus on positive things and things you can be grateful for and turn any negative thought you have into a positive thought, you will begin to feel better. When you begin to feel better and live in the moment only, you will be able to respond differently and thus recognize, feel, and experience joy each day. Joy is there! You just have to seek it, claim it, and then embrace it.