Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Butterflies are Free

Oh, to live life like a butterfly. To live each day free, enjoying all of God's wonderful creations in nature. The wind, the rain, the sun, the clouds, the flowers. To see and smell the beauty of each day. Perhaps we can not fly around like a butterfly, but we can live each day enjoying all that God has to offer and all that God has given. We can enjoy the wind, the rain, the sun the clouds, the flowers just as the butterfly if we just do it. In doing that, living in the moment of all of God's wonders, we can be free in our spirit. Our mind can be at peace and feel free if only for that moment. A moment very well spent. Refocusing the mind, body, and spirit to the wonders around me and living in the moment despite what life has going on, seems to refresh and renew my spirit. It leaves me feeling so much more relaxed. I feel able to face whatever is next with a renewed strength. I also have a stronger feeling of confidence that God has my back and will provide as well as make everything and anything well, no, better than just well - extraordinarily great! Butterflies are free and so is my spirit.