Monday, March 25, 2013

Everyday Blessings To Discover

Each day is an opportunity to discover blessings.  It is also an opportunity for God to work and move on your behalf.  Each obstacle should be seen as an opportunity to become stronger, an opportunity to grow, and an opportunity to learn something new.  It can also be used as an opportunity to grow a closer relationship with God.  Not saying that the only time to have a relationship with God is when you are in trouble, but during those times of trouble lean on Him more and really exercise your faith by trusting in Him.

I have learned that through times of trouble when there seemed to be nothing I could do, that is when my faith really kicked in.  I made the choice to really trust Him, acknowledge my weaknesses and lack of control in the situation. I surrendered totally to Him and asked that He take care of it and that His will be done.  Only then did I truly feel a sense of relief and peace.  However, since I am human, I'm not saying that thoughts of the problem did not cross my mind.  I am saying that with my faith and my surrendering to Him, I was able to refocus my thoughts of worrying about the problem to thoughts of "God has got this."  It was then that I was able to discover the blessings of the day.  I could freely focus on my blessings, the positives of the day no matter how small.  Who wouldn't agree that focusing on positive and happy things will much more likely produce positive and happy feelings versus thoughts of problems, how bad they are, and worrying. When has worrying ever solved, fixed or eliminated a problem?  To my knowledge, never.

If one really looks for the blessings of each day, there should be something to discover.  It may be a huge blessing that has been taken for granted or a very small blessing that has gone unnoticed.  Whatever the blessing discovered, take note, be grateful and strive to enjoy the day, for the day is only 24 hours and then it is gone.  Through various situations on various days in my life, I have learned to look for, and search if necessary, for my daily blessings and be grateful for them.  I have learned to always be grateful and be content in any situation because of the great God who strengthens me.  I have the knowledge and faith that all things are possible and everything will be alright.  One of the scriptures I like to live by is from Phillipians 4:12-13. This scripture is about knowing the secret to being content in any situation and why.

It might be more advantageous than you know to spend a little time each day discovering blessings. In doing so, it just might make your day brighter and your problems seem a little bit smaller. You may also gain something in the process or even discover the solution to a problem. Therefore, don't take for granted what can be gained from discovering your everyday blessings.